TEAM Birdsinator's - All born as native birds

Meet the Boses

Skill Sets

Basic Sign Language

I count with my hand up usingmy fingers starting at 1 to find out how many people I have tailing me. I've never made it past 5. The birds repeat the actions and counting out people in the same rhythm as my count using there head pointing in the directions of. I've had two birds stop by and they both took turns to count when I held my hand up for confirmation counting with them. Then they flew off lol. Constantly making me laugh.

Hearing Sensitivity

They hearing is a super hero gift. They think aircrafts are a threat to me they try to get me to go undercover with them way before I can hear anything.

They too can read signals

When it sounds like one of them is saying up. The helicopter fly's over soon after. The one you don't want

When they lead you to an object. You have to take it. It's there kindness and them excepting you. And watch what happens when you have what ever gift you carry. They all stop hiding.

If they can they point out the people while in vision site of them too. I call them tadeltails. They are constantly telling on people if they can, thats how I got visual site of two men xx.

2 left 5 left data left hover left 3 faint. central left tap 5 left low pulse fade

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